Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Changing Hair Color

I gave the model purple highlights using Quick Mask Mode and Hue/Saturation.

Changing Nose Size-Profile

I used this tutorial, and Liquify to change the size of Ashley Simpson's nose.

Beyond Healing-- Removing Objects from Photos

I used the Clone Stamp Tool, the Healing Brush, and this tutorial to edit out the stool.
Original image:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What would Matt Smith Look Like With Eyebrows?

In what proved to be a hilariously difficult task, I attempted to give Matt Smith (current lead actor in Doctor Who) eyebrows using the Clone Stamp Tool, the Spot Healing Brush Tool, and a photo filter. I'm not sure how I feel about the results.

Original image:

Monday, March 25, 2013

"Kingdom" ~ Advertisment No. One

This is the fake advertisement I made for my fictitious boutique, the Kingdom. I began with this tutorial as a background for the logo, then to make the scene brighter, I used the image of the cloud with a low opacity. I used the image of the city silhouette and the image of Audrey Hepburn to attract by target audience (young people who like vintage and classic clothing). Behind the clothing, I added layer of green brushes and changed Blending Options to Darken. I finished by formatting my logo, adding the clothes from (the website I modeled the boutique after), and putting the star-burst behind them with the blending mode "hard light" to highlight the clothing.
Here is the tutorial I used as a starting point.
 Here are the source images I used:

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Kingdom of Nothing-- Concept Art

Using Photoshop, I made this concept art for a story I've been working on:
Here are my source images: